Having the best Modern Warfare 2 Controller settings can help make sure you play to your maximum potential. With so many options it can be hard to choose what is right for you. Thankfully, many of the top Call of Duty players use similar settings. With a base guide being layed out.
Best Settings at a Glance
- Button Layout: Tactical
- Stick Layout: Default
- Target Aim Assist: On
- Aim Assist: Black Ops or Standard
- Aim Responsive Curve: Dynamic
- ADS Aim Assist: On
- ADS Sensitivity Transition: Instant
- Sensitivity: 7-7 (adjust from here)
- Aim Down Sight Behavior: Hold
- Automatic Sprint: Automatic Tactical Sprint
- Equipment Behavior: Hold
- Weapon Mount Activation: ADS + Melee
- Interact/Reload Behavior: Prioritize Reload/Prioritize Interact
- Camera Movement: Least
- Pro Controller Extra Binds: Jump, Slide, Reload, Melee
Button Layout
A lot of top Call of Duty players use the tactical button layout. This switches the melee and crouch buttons on your controller. Allowing you to slide using your analog stick without having to move your thumb off the stick. Although meleeing an enemy is harder, the movement advantage is typically going to benefit you more.

Aim Assist
For Modern Warfare 2 you will want to use either the Black Ops or Standard aim assist. These are the two best options with Black Ops being our preferred option.

Aim Response Curve
In addition to aim assist, you can also change your sensitivity curve on controller. Dynamic is the best option for Modern Warfare 2 as it helps with accuracy and is easily learnable. The dynamic option feels the most natural in our testing and will be familiar for people coming from Warzone or Modern Warfare 2019.
Starting with a 7 horizontal and 7 vertical sensitivity is ideal for finding what works best for you. With 7-7 you can accurately gauge whether you need to increase or decrease sensitivity. The easiest method for testing your sensitivity is to practice centering while you run around the map in a private match. Alternatively, you can practice against bots in a private match. Both of these options will have you constantly adjusting your positioning and aim.
You’ll want to spend a decent amount of time testing out each sensitivity. This will allow you to get used to the new sensitivity before seeing how accurate you are with it. If you find yourself over aiming, then you will need to lower your sensitivity. Whereas, if you find yourself under aiming then you will need to increase your sensitivity. Typically, a sensitivity of 5-5, 6-6, 7-7, 8-8, or 9-9 is used.

Camera Movement
Although not specifically a controller setting, putting the camera movement to least can help you be more accurate in Modern Warfare 2. With the movement set to least your screen will bounce and move less helping you track players easier.
Paddle & Back Button Binds
With Pro Controllers becoming more common knowing which key binds to use is important. For Modern Warfare 2 jump is a necessary addition to any pro controller. Additionally, adding crouch to one of your back buttons will make sliding easily accessible. Other useful options are; reload, melee, change weapons, and killstreaks.
Final Thoughts
Having the best controller settings for Modern Warfare 2 can help you be more accurate and win gunfights. However, there are other advantages you can get in-game. On PC you can optimize MW2 settings to get the best performance and frame rate. Additionally, all players can also make changes to the Modern Warfare 2 color settings to improve visibility.