Although the best NVIDIA filters for Black Ops 6 may vary from person to person, there are some general rules you can follow. When creating an NVIDIA filter for any Call of Duty game you will typically want to make it easier to see in dark areas without taking the depth out of the games. Additionally, adding more color can help make enemies easier to see as they will stand out from the background. Furthermore, adding clarity or sharpening filters can also help with seeing enemies.
Best NVIDIA Filters for Black Ops 6 with RTX GPU
Anyone with an RTX graphics card can use the RTX Dynamic Vibrance filter. Although there are alternatives, RTX Dynamic Vibrance uses the power of AI to make games more colorful. This improve vibrance enhancement can make it easier to see in dark areas while also making Black Ops 6 more colorful.
RTX Dynamic Vibrance
Intensity: 45
Saturation Boost: 100
Unfortunately, you need to use the NVIDIA app to change the RTX Dynamic Vibrance settings. Ideally, you will want to do this before launching Black Ops 6. Doing so ensures the settings are setup correctly and will provide the desired appearance.
Sharpen: 23
Clarity: 20
HDR Toning: 26
Bloom: 0

Best NVIDIA Filters for Black Ops 6 (No RTX GPU)
Even if you don’t have an RTX graphics card, you can still make use of NVIDIA filters. Using these filters you can make Black Ops 6 look better and even improve visibility. If the below settings don’t match your preference then you can adjust them to your liking. To ensure you get the best NVIDIA filter settings you may want to load into a custom game to see how the filters affect your game.
Tint Color: 0
Tint Intensity: 10
Temperature: 4
Vibrance: 70

Exposure: 8
Contrast: 2
Highlights: 26
Shadows: -40
Gamma: 10

Sharpen: 25
Clarity: 28
HDR Toning: 26
Bloom: 0

NVIDIA Filter Alternatives
Although NVIDIA filters are the best way of making Black Ops 6 look better, there are some draw backs. The main issue being that you may experience a slight increase in input delay and reduction in performance. However, the amount is typically not noticeable. If this is a concern, then you can use the NVIDIA control panel to make Black Ops 6 more colorful. Additionally, your screen may have some settings that can help. Depending on the monitor or TV you are using there may be sharpening or clarity settings that you can take advantage of. Furthermore, brightness, contrast, gamma, saturation and vibrance are also common settings you may have available.