The Glorious Model O wireless mouse is one of the best choices for double clicking. The Glorious Core software allows you to adjust mouse debounce time to allow for double clicking to register. Alternatively, you can also create a macro that will double click every time a button is pressed.
Double Clicking on the Model O Wireless
1. Start by opening the Glorious Core software.
2. Select your mouse from the side panel.
3. Click the “Performance” button at the top.
4. Drag the “Debounce Time” slider to 0ms.
5. Press the save button.
If you are having issues with the mouse double clicking too often then you can switch the debounce time to 2 or 4.

Why Lower the Debounce Time?
Lowering the debounce time of the mouse will decrease the amount of time that must pass before a second click can be registered. Mice have debounce times to prevent extra clicks from registering when pressed once.
When double clicking the goal is to increase the number of clicks per second. By lowering the debounce time you are allowing your Model O to register one click as two, resulting in a higher CPS. Lowering the debounce time will also allow for more clicks when jitter clicking or drag clicking.
Double Clicking Technique
There are several possible techniques for double clicking. The preferred method used to double click with the Model O wireless is to have your fingertip hanging off the front of the mouse. Doing this will allow you to click the front of the mouse to actuate the double click
When clicking it is best to actuate the button slightly with a soft press. A soft press will cause the mouse to slightly actuate, leading to multiple clicks being recorded. These extra clicks are typically prevented by a high debounce time.

Is Double Clicking Easy with the Model O Wireless?
Double clicking with the Model O wireless is relatively easy and becomes easier as the mouse gets used more. The difference between a single and double click is audibly noticeable, making it easy to practice.
Make a Double Click Macro
A double click macro will automatically input two left-click inputs when the button is actuated. If you plan on double-clicking for gaming then we recommend not using the macro method. Before assigning the double click macro to your mouse you want to ensure you will still have a left-click function on your device. We recommend assigning the left mouse function to one of the side buttons, or the top button on your Model O Wireless.
1. Select your mouse from the panel on the left size.
2. Click “Key Binding” from the top.
3. Select “Macro” from the key binding menu.
4. Name your macro.
5. Click the record button.
6. Choose to start the recording, then move your cursor away from the recording button.
7. Click twice with your left mouse button.
8. Stop the recording.
9. Move your cursor to the side of one of the input rectangles and shrink the input duration. The shorter the faster the macro will be.
10. Repeat the process for the second input.
11. Drag both inputs all the way to the left, leaving a small gap between the two.
12. Click “Save”.
13. Select the button on that you want to bind with the double click macro.
14. Select “Macro” from the side.
15. Choose the double click macro from the “Select Macro” drop menu.
16. Press “Save” and your macro will now be added to your mouse.
Altneratives for Double Clicking
The primary purpose of double clicking is to increase click speed. In certain use cases, an auto clicker can be used instead. An auto clicker is a macro that simulates repetitive mouse clicks. The Model O wireless macros can be set to repeat the macro while the button is held or on a toggle.
Final Thoughts
Double clicking with a low debounce time is usually accepted for gaming, however, macros aren’t as supported. Some games implement restrictions and may even punish players who use a macro. It is best to know the rules of the game or server you are playing, to ensure that you’re not breaking any rules by double clicking.
Using a double click macro is also useful for opening files or repeating specific tasks. It is a guaranteed double click action, which is a great quality of life improvement.