Fix Voice Chat Not Showing Up in Roblox

A somewhat common Roblox error is voice chat not showing up. Although this can be annoying, you can typically fix the issue fairly easily. This issue usually occurs when you have just enabled voice chat in Roblox. In this case you can fix the issue by logging out and back in, or by uninstalling and reinstalling the Roblox application. However, there are some other solutions that will fix the voice chat not showing up in Roblox issue.

Turn On the Enable Microphone Setting

If voice chat is missing then it may be due to the enable microphone setting being turned off. You can find this in your account privacy settings. Depending on how you’re accessing your settings it may be called Privacy and Content Maturity. Here you can control your communication settings that will allow you to use voice chat in Roblox.

1. Select More in the Roblox application then open the Settings.

2. Select Privacy or Privacy and Content Maturity.

3. Open the Communication settings.

4. Select Voice Chat.

5. Turn on the Enable Microphone setting. If it was already enabled then turn it off then back on.

Check Your Account Info Settings

There are two primary ways that you can get voice chat in Roblox. The first being verifying your phone number. While this is the easiest way to get voice chat, it is only available in some countries. If you got voice chat by verifying your phone number then you will need to ensure your phone number is still verified.

The second method to get voice chat is to verify your identity. If this is how you got voice chat then you will need to ensure your birthday hasn’t been changed.

Verify Your Phone Number

Another solution is to verify your phone number if you haven’t already. Provided you live in a supported country this will give you voice chat in Roblox. Additionally, if you have already verified your phone number then you can try removing it and adding it back to fix the issue.

Change Experience Chat Setting

To use voice chat you will want to make sure your experience chat setting is set to everyone. This can be done again through the communication settings on your account. You can find the communication options in the Privacy settings.

Uninstall & Reinstall Roblox

If you have only just enabled voice chat for the first time, then you can try uninstalling and reinstalling Roblox. While this can be annoying, it doesn’t take too long and can be one of the easier methods to fix the voice chat not showing up issue. When doing this method you will want to ensure the enable microphone option has already been enabled. This will ensure that the game knows you will be using voice chat when you reinstall the application.