How to Change Enemy Color in Valorant Console

You can change the enemy color in Valorant console by going to the Other settings in the General tab. The enemy color controls the outline highlight color of an enemy. By default the enemy highlight will be red. However, you can change the enemy color in Valorant to either yellow or purple.

1. Press the Option or Menu button on your controller, then select Settings.

2. Go to the General tab then go down to the Other settings.

3. Select the Enemy Highlight Color option and change the color.

Best Enemy Highlight Color for Valorant Console

Typically, you will want to make enemies yellow or red in Valorant. This is as most people will react quicker and notice the yellow and red color better. However, you will want to use the color that you react to faster. A good option is to test playing with both to see which works best for you.

How to Make Enemies Yellow in Valorant Console

If you want to make enemies yellow in Valorant then you will need to set the enemy highlight color setting to either the deuteranopia or protanopia.

What Colors Can You Make Enemies in Valorant Console?

As with Valorant on PC, there are 4 enemy highlight color options. However, there are only 3 colors that enemies can be. You can make enemies red, yellow, or purple, with there being 2 options for yellow.