You can get voice chat on Roblox without ID by verifying your phone number. However, your account will also need to be set to 13+, and you must be in a supported country. Fortunately, the list of supported countries are growing, meaning voice chat is becoming easily accessible to more players.
1. Open the Roblox app and select More from the menu.

2. Open the Settings, then select Account Info.

3. Click the Add Phone button.

4. Set your area code.

5. Enter your phone number, then click Continue.

6. Enter the code sent to your phone, then click Continue.

7. Choose if you want friends to find you using your phone number.

8. Switch to the Privacy and Content Maturity settings.

9. Go to Communication, then Voice Chat.

10. Turn on the Enable Microphone option.

Setup Roblox Voice Chat in Game
Once you have enabled voice chat you will need to adjust the in game settings. The first setting you will need to change in your input device. Your input device is the microphone that will be used for voice chat in Roblox. This option can be found in the settings when you’re in an experience that supports voice chat.
Additionally, you will need to unmute your microphone to be able to talk. This can be done using the microphone button found in the top left corner of Roblox when you’re in a game. If the microphone has a red slash through it then it is muted. Meanwhile, the microphone will have green on it if it’s unmuted.
Missing Voice Chat Options
In some instances you may find you are missing voice chat options. This can be either in game, or the settings are missing on your account. There are a few possible reasons for these issues. The first is that not all Roblox games or experiences support voice chat. However, you can check if voice chat is supported on the game’s information page.
If you’re missing the voice chat settings on your account then you will want to ensure your account is set to 13+. You can do this by going to the Roblox website and signing in. Once done your will see the age set on your account at the top next to your username. Additionally, you will need to ensure you are from a country that supports voice chat. If everything appears in order then you can find more solutions for the missing Roblox voice chat issue here.
Microphone Not Working in Roblox
One of the most common reasons for your microphone not working in Roblox is because you have the wrong input device selected. Your input device is the device Roblox will use as your microphone. To change your input device you will need to play an experience that has voice chat support. Doing so will allow you to change your input device through the game settings.
Another reason your microphone might not be working is because it’s muted in game, or on the device itself. The toggle mute button can be found in the top left corner of Roblox. You will want the icon to have green on it. Additionally, if you have a USB microphone then there may be a mute button on the device itself. Alternatively, on headset microphones there’s often a mute button on the cable.
Furthermore, you will also want to ensure the volume on your microphone is turned up. In some cases your microphone will be turned down, making it hard for other people to hear you in Roblox. You can fix this issue through the Sound Settings on your PC. Again, you will need to select your microphone from the Input Device menu, and turn the volume up.
How to Change Your Microphone in Roblox
The easiest way to change your microphone in Roblox is through the game settings. When you’re in a game that supports voice chat then you will have the input device option in your settings. The selected input device is the microphone that will be used for voice chat. You will want to ensure you have the correct device selected or people won’t be able to hear you in Roblox.

Make Your Microphone Sound Better in Roblox
Although there’s a few ways to improve your microphone quality, my favorite is SteelSeries Sonar. With Sonar you can adjust how your microphone sounds, and remove background noise. Sonar allow you to adjust add noise suppression and a noise gate to your microphone audio. This allows you to remove annoying sounds, like fans, electrical humming, and keyboard sounds, with ease. You can adjust these settings manually, or use Clearcast AI Noise Cancellation to have AI remove background noise for you.
Additionally, you can apply preset equalizer settings to your microphone with SteelSeries Sonar. This allows you to make your voice sound deeper, improve clarity, or make it sound like you’re talking through a walkie talkie. To get the effects to work in Roblox you will need to change your input device to the SteelSeries Sonar – Microphone option.
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