You can turn on aim assist in Fortnite by going to the controller settings and setting the precision aim assist strength and tracking aim assist strength both to 100%. Doing so will ensure your aim assist is turned on and working correctly.
1. Open the Fortnite side menu.

2. Click the gear icon to open the settings. You may need to select Settings on console.

3. Go over to the Controller settings.

4. Open the side menu and select Sensitivity.

5. Turn on the Use Advanced Options setting.

6. Open the side menu again then select Advanced – Sensitivity.

7. Set Precision Aim Assist Strength to 100% and Tracking Aim Assist Strength to 100%,

8. Select Apply.

Best Look Input Curve for Fortnite
When it comes to look input curve it’s really preference. However, exponential is a great option that is used by many of the top controller players. With exponential you get a greater slowdown when moving your analog stick which can make aim assist feel stronger. Additionally, the exponential input curve feels similar to dynamic in Call of Duty, making it a good choice if you play both games.
Difference Between Precision and Tracking Aim Assist in Fortnite
Aim assist in Fortnite is separated into two settings, precision and tracking. Both options are controlled by a strength slider which allows you to adjust your aim assist to your liking. Precision aim assist controls how strong your aim assist is when you aim near an enemy, while tracking aim assist adjusts your aim speed to match that of moving targets.
Did They Buff Aim Assist?
Fortnite hasn’t buffed aim assist, at least not to any notable extent. However, there has been multiple changes to how aim assist works in Fortnite over the years. Epic Games are constantly updating and refining aim assist in an attempt to make it as fair as possible. Due to the complexity of aim assist there is a constant battle of having it strong enough that it’s useful for casual players without being too overpowered for pros. Additionally, Fortnite’s support for mouse and keyboard controls adds an extra level of difficulty when trying to balance aim assist.
Does PC Have Aim Assist?
Yes, PC does have aim assist in Fortnite but only for those using controller. If you are playing Fortnite with mouse and keyboard then there is no aim assist. However, you may find changing your sensitivity or mouse DPI will help improve your aim with mouse and keyboard inputs.
Did They Remove Aim Assist in Fortnite?
No, aim assist is still in Fortnite and it’s unlikely that it will ever be removed. Many Fortnite players use controller and aim assist is essential for controller players. If you feel as though aim assist isn’t working then you should check to ensure you have aim assist turned on. Additionally, you can try changing your look input curve setting to try find something that feels a little better.