With Black Ops 6 comes the new mechanic that allows you to use an enemy as a human shield. This mechanic is added as an alternative to the typical finishing move seen in previous instalments of Call of Duty. You can use the human shield mechanic by sneaking up on an enemy and double tapping the melee button.
Make Human Shield Hold Instead of Double-Tap
If you find it difficult to use the human shield mechanic in the heat of battle, then you can swap the execution and human shield inputs. Doing so will allow you to hold down your melee button to use an enemy as a body shield, rather than needing to double-tap.
1. Open the Settings.
2. Select your input, either Controller or Keyboard & Mouse.
3. Switch to the Combat tab.
4. Open the Combat Advanced Settings.
5. Set Body Shield/Finishing Move Behavior to Prioritize Body Shield.
How to Turn Off Body Shield in Black Ops 6
If you don’t want to accidently use the body shield mechanic then you can turn it off. You can do this using the Body Shield/Finishing Move Behavior setting. To remove the body shield option you will need to select Finishing Move Only. This will only allow you to perform a finishing move. This setting can be found in the Advanced Combat Settings for your input device.
How to Change Human Shield Button
Unfortunately, on controller the only way to change the human shield button is to change your melee button. However, with Black Ops 6 you can manually remap your controller binds rather than having to use presets. You can remap button binds on controller by opening the Controller settings and selecting
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