Audio is vital when playing Warzone 2. Having the best audio settings will make footsteps louder and easier to hear. Additionally, optimized audio settings will also help you hear other important audio queues. These sounds can help you visualize where enemies are so you can make accurate decisions in-game.
Best Audio Settings at a Glance
- Audio Mix: PC or Headphones Bass Boost
- Master Volume: 100
- Music Volume: 0
- Dialogue Volume: 30
- Effects Volume: 100
- Hit Marker Volume: 80+
- Mono Audio Off
- Juggernaut Music: Off
- Reduce Tinnitus Sound: On
Audio Mix
One of the most important audio settings in Warzone 2 is the audio mix. Each audio mix sounds different and produces a different range of audio. Ideally, you want to use the option that gives you the best spatial awareness and makes footsteps louder. If you’re using headphones either the PC or headphones mix will sound best.

Master Volume
In Warzone 2 the master volume controls all of the game volume at once. This includes the other sounds which have their own volume controls. To ensure you can hear clearly we recommend setting master volume to 100, and adjusting volume through your PC, console, or headset instead.
Dialogue Volume
Dialogue Volume controls the voice over audio heard in Warzone 2. Although this isn’t the most important, the voice overs can also provide information to help decision making. By turning the dialogue volume down the voice overs won’t interfere with footstep audio, while still allowing you to hear useful speech. Typically a dialogue volume between 30 and 50 is used.
Effects Volume
The effects volume controls most the gameplay audio, including footsteps. Because of this, you will want to keep the effects volume turned up. We recommend setting the effects volume between 80 and 100 to ensure all footsteps and audio queues are heard clearly.
Hit Marker Volume
Although it might not seem important, being having to hear your hit markers clearly is a great help. The audio queue of your hit markers lets you know when your shots are connecting. This allows you to adjust your aim if needed, even without thinking about it too hard. To ensure you can hear your hit marker sounds clearly you should have your volume set to 80 or higher.
Mono Audio
With mono audio turned off your audio will be different in your left and right speaker. Allowing you to hear which side enemy footsteps are coming from. Except for unique scenarios, mono audio should be disabled at all times.
Juggernaut Music
Hit Marker Sound Effects
Warzone 2 allows you to customize the hit marker sound effect you hear in game. While this is preference it’s a nice addition. Use whichever hit marker sound effect you prefer as it there’s no advantage to any particular sound.
Mute Game While Minimized
A nice feature of Warzone 2 is being able to mute the game while minimized. Altrhough this is personal preference, enabling the mute option can help if you tab out of the game. While tabbed out you’ll probably like to hear audio from a different application. With the mute while minimized option enabled this will be a lot easier as you won’t hear game audio. However, with the mute while minimized option disabled you’ll be able to hear when your game starts even with the game closed.
Reduce Tinnitus Sound
The reduce tinnitus sound setting will alter the concussion and flash audio in game by making it duller. You may prefer to disable the reduce tinnitus sound settings depending on your preference.
Headset Software Settings
Many gaming headsets have software available that will let you customize the sound settings. By adjusting your audio settings you can isolate specific frequencies to make footsteps louder in Warzone 2. If you have a Logitech, SteelSeries or Astro headset then there may be software available for your device.
SteelSeries Sonar
Regardless of your audio device, SteelSeries Sonar can be used to customize your audio settings. This is particularly useful as you can use the same EQ settings on different headsets or speakers. Sonar comes with various premade presets to choose from. Every preset can also be customized allowing you to optimize your audio settings perfectly. The Warzone and FPS Footstep presets provide a great starting point for most headsets.