Modern Warfare 2 has some useful features that you can use to see enemies better. Additionally, there are also some out-of-game changes that can greatly improve visibility and make MW2 look better.
- Turn off Motion Blur & Depth of Filed
- Disable Film Grain
- Use Color Filter 2
- Change Field of View
- Change Weapon Field of View
- Set Camera Movement to Least
- Adjust Brightness
- Change NVIDIA Color Settings
- Adjust Screen Settings
- Optimize Modern Warfare 2 Settings
Turn Off Motion Blur & Depth of Field
Modern Warfare 2 has motion blur settings which are enabled by default. These create a blur on your screen when you are moving, making it harder to see enemy players. By turning off motion blur you will gain a good amount of visibility when playing.
Additionally, with depth of field enabled objects in the distance will be blurred. This can make it hard to see enemies and reduce visibility overall.

Disable Film Grain
Setting film grain to 0 will clear up the image making it easier to see players. This is specifically useful at long ranges or when playing with a high field of view.
Use Color Filter 2
As with most recent Call of Duty games there are different color modes. While these are typically designed to help people with colorblindness, they’re useful for everyone. You can make Modern Warfare 2 look better by using the filter 2 color option with the target set to both. This will enhance the colors in MW2 and make the game more vibrant. You can find the color filter options in the interface options under color customization.

Change Field of View
Field of view (FOV) is now available on console and PC. The FOV controls how wide of an angle you see. While a wider vision is great, it does come with some drawbacks. Having a higher FOV requires more to be rendered, resulting in a decrease in performance. Additionally, a higher FOV also makes enemies and objects appear smaller. You will want to use a FOV that you feel comfortable with, and that also doesn’t impact your frame rate too much.

Change Weapon Field of View
With the addition of a weapon field of view you can gain even more visibility by using the wide option. With wide selected your weapon will look further away and smaller, reducing how much of your screen is obstructed.

Set Camera Movement to Least
Modern Warfare 2 has camera movement options for 1st and 3rd person mode. Setting the movement option to least will reduce screen movement making it easier to see. Additionally, this may help you aim more accurately.
Adjust Brightness
In Modern Warfare having your brightness set too high can lower your visibility. With the brightness set too high the image will appear flat with a lack of depth. We recommend setting your in-game brightness according to the guide. You can increase the brightness slightly if preferred.

Change NVIDIA Color Settings
Anyone with an NVIDIA graphics card can make use of the NVIDIA color settings. These settings are found in the NVIDIA control panel. Typically you will want to increase the digital vibrance to make Modern Warfare 2 look more vibrant. Additionally, you may want to slightly adjust the brightness and contrast to make it easier to see enemies in dark areas. Alternatively, you can use NVIDIA filters. However, these will negatively impact your game performance.

Adjust Screen Settings
Most modern TVs and monitors have settings that you can use to alter the color and sharpness of the image. When adjusting your settings it’s a good idea to open up a game or private match for reference. Ideally, you will want to increase vibrance and saturation settings. These will make Modern Warfare 2 look more colorful. You can also make it easier to see in dark areas by increasing brightness, contrast, or gamma settings. You won’t want to increase these options too much as it can make it harder to see. Additionally, if your screen has sharpness or clarity options then you will also want to increase these settings slightly.
Optimize Modern Warfare 2 Settings
By optimizing your Modern Warfare 2 game settings on PC will result in higher FPS in-game. This allows your screen to refresh more often so you can see enemies quicker. Although this is restricted by your screen’s refresh rate, a higher FPS is still preferred. Typically, you will want to have your settings set to the lowest option to maximize FPS. However, having some settings set to low can make it harder to see enemies, or actually reduce your frame rate.
Final Thoughts
With the right in-game settings and a few color changes, you can make Modern Warfare 2 look better. The increased visibility can help you see enemy players easier, especially at range.
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