The best Valorant crosshairs vary depending on preference. However, there are some popular Valorant crosshair settings that are used by top players around the world. Some of these crosshairs …
Valorant now allows you to set custom crosshair colors. This update comes in addition to more crosshair settings, allowing for even more customization. With so many crosshair colors to …
There are several solutions if you can’t find a match on Call of Duty Warzone. The cause of the issue varies, however, typically it can be fixed by making …
A small crosshair gives you better visibility in Valorant. This is because it prevents the crosshair from covering enemies on your screen. If your crosshair is too big then …
When it comes to Valorant, having a few small crosshair options is ideal. With different crosshairs saved as presets, you can change between them as you feel necessary. Missing …
Valorant is a game that is highly dependent on teamwork and communication. If your voice chat isn’t working then this can make it difficult to play to your potential. …
As a frequent Valorant viewer you may notice pro players see enemies with a yellow highlight. This is because of the enemy highlight color setting. By changing the enemy …
The dot crosshair is one of the more popular options amongst Valorant players. With a dot crosshair you gain the precision needed for one taps and transfers. Dot crosshairs …
Whether your Discord server is for friends or a community there are several features every server should have. When you’re just starting a Discord server it can be particularly …
These days it seems every NFT project has a Discord server for its community. However, the setup process can be difficult and overwhelming. We have laid out a step-by-step …