You can uninstall the Riot Games Client through the Installed Apps settings or the control panel. However, in some instances, you may find that the Riot Client doesn’t appear here. Additionally, some files are also left over when you uninstall the Riot Client using the traditional methods. Instead, you can completely uninstall Riot Client by manually deleting files.
1. Completely close all Riot Games applications.

2. Open the Start menu and search for Riot Client.

3. Right-click on the Riot Client and select Open file location.

4. Right-click on the Riot Client shortcut and select Open file location.

5. Go back two folders (usually to C drive).

6. Delete the Riot Games folder.

7. Open the Start menu and search for Riot Client.
8. Right-click the Riot Client and select Open file location.
9. Select Programs from the address bar.

10. Delete the Riot Games folder.

11. Right-click on the Start menu and select Run.

12. Type %localappdata% into the box, then press Ok.

13. Delete the Riot Games folder.

14. Delete other Riot games folders (e.g Valorant).

15. Search for and open the Control Panel.

16. Set the Category to View then click Uninstall a program.

17. Search for Riot.

18. Select any Riot Games application then choose to uninstall.

19. Repeat for all Riot applications, then close.

20. Delete any leftover Riot Games desktop shortcuts.
Why Can’t I Delete the Riot Games Folder?
If you can’t delete the Riot Games folder then it’s most likely because some of the files are still in use. This can be due to a Riot Games application still being open. However, some background process may be preventing the folder from being deleted. Do fix the issue you will want to make sure you have completely closed all Riot Games applications. You can also try restarting your computer to fix the issue.
How Do I Completely Close Riot Games Applications?
The easiest way to completely close Riot Games applications to to click the cross or Alt + F4 out of a program. However, once it has closed it may remain running in the background. You can solve this issue by opening the hidden icons menu and right-clicking an the application and selecting either Exit or Quit.
Why Do I Need to Completely Uninstall the Riot Client?
Completely uninstalling the Riot Client can help fix various issues with games. If you’re having issues with a game crashing or not performing correctly then completely uninstalling the Riot Client and game will allow you to do a fresh installation. With the fresh installation, all the files will be new, meaning there shouldn’t be any corrupt files.