How to Play Roblox on 2 Accounts At The Same Time

One of the easiest ways to play Roblox on 2 accounts at the same time is to use 2 different versions of the Roblox app. This works as each application is unique, with one being a desktop application while the other is a Microsoft app. Each version can be used to sign in to a different account, and can be played side by side.

1. Get both the desktop version and Microsoft app version of Roblox.

2. Open both applications, and sign in to different Roblox accounts.

3. Click and drag the title bar to move each window where you want it.

4. Resize the windows by dragging out the corners or sides.

5. Enjoy playing 2 Roblox accounts at once.

Find Out What Version of Roblox You Have

The easiest way to find out what version of Roblox you have is to open the start menu and search for Roblox. Once done you will see the Roblox app and the options for the application. Typically, if the app is called Roblox Player then you have the desktop version of Roblox. However, if the application is just called Roblox then you have the Microsoft app version.

If you aren’t convinced then you can also check the app options to determine what version of Roblox you have. The Microsoft app version will have the App Settings option, while the desktop version will have the option to Open file location. When searching for Roblox the options should automatically appear on the side, however, if they don’t then you will need to click the little arrow next to the application name.

How to Get the Desktop Version of Roblox

You can get the desktop version of Roblox from the Roblox download page. Alternatively, you can go to the Roblox website, sign in, and attempt to play a game. Doing so will give you the option to download the installer file which you will need to open to install. If you’re unsure how to install Roblox then you can follow our guide here.

How to Get the Microsoft App Version of Roblox

Getting the Microsoft app version of Roblox requires you to open the Microsoft Store and search for Roblox. Once done you will be able to select Roblox, then choose to Get it and Install it for free. If you’re unsure how to open the Microsoft Store then the easiest way is to open the start menu and search for it.

Use Another Device to Play Multiple Roblox Accounts

Another option to play multiple Roblox accounts at one time is to use multiple devices. Each PC or laptop can play 2 Roblox accounts at once, provided it has the suitable hardware to do so. However, most mobiles, iPads, tablets, and modern consoles are also capable of running Roblox. In fact, you can even play Roblox on the PS4 and Xbox one if you have one packed away somewhere. However, if you are using a console to play a separate Roblox account then you will need an extra screen to play it on.