While there is no one size fits all guide to PC Modern Warfare 2 settings. There are some general settings that can help improve performance while playing. Ideally, the goal when changing settings is to maximize FPS without sacrificing quality too much. Fortunately, even with low settings Modern Warfare 2 still looks fairly good.
Display Settings
- Display Mode: Fullscreen Exclusive
- Display Adapter: Graphics card
- Screen Refresh Rate: Highest for your screen
- Display Resolution: 1080p or your screen resolution
- Dynamic Resolution: Off
- Aspect Ratio: Automatic
- V-Sync (Gameplay): Off
- V-Sync (Menus): Off
- Frame Rate Limit: Custom (300 for gameplay, 60 for menus, 30 for out of focus)
- Display Gamma: 2.2 (SRGB)
- Brightness: Set brightness according to guides
- Focused Mode: Off
- High Dynamic Range: Off
When it comes to Modern Warfare 2 PC settings, there are a few settings you will want to have right. One great tip is to use a custom frame rate. This allows you to set different frame rates for your game depending on the situation. By having a lower frame rate for menus and out of focus you can prevent your PC from running at maximum performance at all times.

Quality Settings
- Render Resolution: 100
- Upscaling / Sharpening: Off or
- Anti-Aliasing Quality: SMAA T2X
- Video Memory Scale: 85-90
- Texture Resolution: Low
- Texture Filter Anisotropic: Normal
- Nearby Level of Detail: Low
- Distant Level of Detail: Low
- Clutter Draw Distance: Short
- Particle Quality: High
- Particle Quality Level: Low
- Bullet Impacts & Sprays: Off
- Shader Quality: Low
- Tessellation: Off
- Terrain Memory: Max
- On-Demand Texture Streaming: Off
- Streaming Quality: Normal
- Volumetric Quality: Low
- Deferred Physics Quality: Off
- Shadow Map Resolution: Very low or low
- Screen Space Shadows: Off
- Spot Shadow Quality: Low
- Cache Spot Shadows: On
- Spot Cache: Low
- Cache Sun Shadows: On
- Particle Lighting: Low
- Ambient Occlusion: Off
- Screen Space Reflections: Off
- Weather Grid Volumes: Off
While these quality settings are optimized for the best performance, you can change some settings based on personal preference. Terrain memory can be set to min if needed. Similarly, lowering video memory slightly can also help improve game performance if you’re experiencing hitching.

Post Processing Effects
- NVIDIA Reflex Low Latency: On + Boost / On
- Depth of Field: Off
- World Motion Blur: Off
- Weapon Motion Blur: Off
- Film Grain: 0.00
Although post-processing effects are quality settings, they’re worthy of their own mention. By disabling the depth of field and motion blur effects your gameplay will look more clear improving visibility. Additionally, you will want to set NVIDIA low latency to on+ boost or on depending on your PC. You can test both options to see which gets you the best performance.

View Settings
- Field of View: 100-120
- ADS Field of View: Affected
- Weapon Field of View: Wide
- Vehicle Field of View: Wide
- 1st Person Camera Movement: Least
- 3rd Person Camera Movement: Least
A wider field of view allows you to see more around you, however, objects will be smaller and appear further away. You will want to adjust your FOV to find where you feel comfortable. Typically, a FOV of 100 or more is used. Additionally, setting the camera movement options to least will reduce on-screen movement and help improve performance in MW2.

Audio Settings
- Audio Mix: Home theater or headphones
- Master Volume: 100
- Music Volume: 0
- Dialogue Volume: 30-50
- Effects Volume: 100
- Hit Marker Volume: 80+
- Mono Audio: Off
Being able to hear footsteps is crucial in a game like Modern Warfare 2. Having the best audio settings can help you know where other players are. Typically using either the home theater or headphones mix will produce the best sound for hearing footsteps. Additionally, setting the music volume to 0 will ensure that you’re only hearing necessary audio.
Color Customization
Modern Warfare 2 features color customization which allows you to manually select colors for teammates, party members, enemies, and more. Additionally, there are also filter options that you can use to make MW2 look better. The filter 2 option provides a slight color change and can help make the game more vibrant. For this to work the target will need to be set to both. You can then control the intensity of the filter on both the world and interface separately.

Best NVIDIA Settings for Modern Warfare 2
Users with an NVIDIA graphics card can customize their NVIDIA control panel settings to get the best performance in Modern Warfare 2. Ideally, you will want to use the advanced 3D image settings. While there are a lot of 3D settings to adjust, there are a few that are more important than others.
- Low Latency: On
- Power Management Mode: Prefer maximum performance
- Texture Filtering Quality: High performance
- Threaded Optimization: On
Final Thoughts
Having the best PC settings will ensure Modern Warfare 2 is running at optimal performance. A higher frame rate can give you a competitive advantage and ensure you don’t get any hitching or stuttering. While low settings may not look the best, the performance boost is well worth the sacrifice. If you have a higher-end PC then you can use adjust settings to your liking.
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