The best Valorant crosshairs vary depending on preference. However, there are some popular Valorant crosshair settings that are used by top players around the world. Some of these crosshairs are unique, giving you more creative options when you’re playing. Of course, you will want to pair the crosshair with the best crosshair color available.
Dot Crosshair

Dot crosshairs are popular among Valorant players of all skill levels. The small size maximizes visibility and allows for pinpoint accuracy. With so many different dot crosshairs you may find it hard to choose which one to use. Unfortunately, most dot crosshairs are limited in their customization. By using the small dot crosshair you gain the ability to adjust the scale of the dot. However, the dot will appear as a square when scaled up.
Crosshair Code: 0;P;c;8;u;9C001AFF;o;1;d;1;b;1;z;1;0b;0;1b;0
Four Lines Crosshair

The four lines crosshair follows the standard crosshair shape seen in many games. Typically, the four line crosshair will be static allowing you to accurately see where you’re aiming. Typically this crosshair is paired with a vibrant color that looks great for clips. Additionally, you can adjust the horizontal line length to give the four line crosshair a stretched-res look.
Crosshair Code: 0;P;c;8;u;00FFB4FF;h;0;b;1;0l;4;0v;4;0g;1;0o;2;0a;1;0f;0;1b;0
Four Dots Crosshair

A smaller take on the four lines is the four dots crosshair. With the four dots you still get the benfit of an open center while obstructing less of your view with the added line length. A variation of the four dots is often used by pro Valorant players and is a great option for competitive play.
Crosshair Code: 0;P;c;8;u;FF0060FF;o;1;b;1;0t;1;0l;2;0o;2;0a;1;0f;0;1b;0
Circle Crosshair

One of the smaller Valorant crosshairs is the circle. The small settings give the appearance of the crosshair being a cirlce with a hollow center. Additionally, the hollow center allows you to see exactly what’s in your crosshair. However, this may be a little difficult in some scenarios.
Crosshair Code: 0;P;c;8;u;00FFB4FF;h;0;b;1;0t;3;0l;1;0v;0;0o;1;0a;1;0f;0;1b;0
Small Diamond Crosshair
Dot crosshairs are fairly popular amongst the Valorant community, with different sizes and shapes being used. A small diamond crosshair is another great dot crosshair option for fans of the simple design.
Crosshair Code: 0;P;c;8;u;00AEFFFF;h;0;d;1;b;1;z;1;0t;3;0l;1;0o;0;0a;1;0f;0;1t;1;1o;0;1a;1;1m;0;1f;0
Circle Line Crosshair

With the addition of horizontal and vertical line length controls, you can now use a circle line crosshair. This Valorant crosshair gives a futuristic vibe and may have a familiar feeling to some FPS players.
Crosshair Code: 0;P;c;8;u;3B00FFFF;h;0;b;1;0t;3;0l;1;0o;1;0a;1;0f;0;1t;1;1l;4;1v;0;1g;1;1o;2;1a;1;1m;0;1f;0
Shuriken Crosshair
If you’re looking for something a little more unique then the shuriken crosshair may be for you. The small size makes it usable in ranked and competitive play, while still being a talking point for your friends.
Crosshair Code: 0;P;c;8;u;00FFB4FF;h;0;b;1;0t;1;0l;3;0o;2;0a;1;0f;0;1t;3;1l;3;1o;0;1a;1;1m;0;1f;0
Spikey Star/Cross
Another great unique crosshair is the spikey star. The spike star is reasonably small in size making it a great crosshair for headshots. The spikey star has an empty center, however, no real information can be sourced from the space.
Crosshair Code: 0;P;c;8;u;00AEFFFF;h;0;b;1;0t;1;0l;2;0o;1;0a;1;0f;0;1t;9;1l;1;1o;0;1a;1;1m;0;1f;0
Small Cross Crosshair

A small cross crosshair is perfect for one taps. Typically, white is used for this crosshair, however, any color will work fine. To get the small cross you will only need to use the inner line settings with an offset of 0.
Crosshair Code: 0;P;c;8;u;4697CAFF;h;0;b;1;0l;4;0o;0;0a;1;0f;0;1b;0
Small Shuriken

Another smaller crosshair option is the small shuriken. While this crosshair doesn’t maintain the complete shape of the standard shuriken crosshair, it is a viable option for fans of dot crosshairs. As with all crosshairs on this list, the small size makes it viable for most use cases.
Crosshair Code: 0;P;c;8;u;00FFB4FF;h;0;b;1;f;0;0l;2;0v;2;0g;1;0o;2;0a;1;0f;0;1t;4;1l;1;1v;1;1g;1;1o;1;1a;1;1m;0;1f;0
Small Eye

The small eye crosshair is a unique style now possible in Valorant. The small eye follows the general shape of an eye and has a hollow center. Resulting in the assurance of what you’re firing at.
Crosshair Code: 0;P;c;8;u;00FFB4FF;h;0;b;1;0t;4;0l;1;0v;1;0o;1;0a;1;0f;0;1v;1;1g;1;1o;1;1a;1;1m;0;1f;0
Oval Crosshair

Similar to the small eye is the oval crosshair. This crosshair has a wide view and looks great with a vibrant color. As the oval is wider you can see more inside giving you better vision. However, the slightly larger size may result in some accuracy issues.
Crosshair Code: 0;P;c;8;u;00FFB4FF;h;0;b;1;0l;2;0v;0;0g;1;0o;2;0a;1;0f;0;1t;6;1l;0;1v;1;1g;1;1o;1;1a;1;1m;0;1f;0
Customizing Crosshairs
While crosshairs are customizable, not all of them have the same range. In some instances, you can customize the crosshair’s size, thickness, and offset without changing the design. You can also customize the color of your crosshair and adjust the horizontal and vertical line length separately. This allows you to get a stretched look for some crosshairs. Additionally, you can also add an outline to some crosshairs to make them stand out.
Inner Lines & Outer Lines
Inner and outer line settings are more or less the same. The addition of two sets of crosshair settings allows more freedom when creating your crosshair. Typically, popular crosshairs will only use inner line settings, however, this isn’t always the case.
Line Opacity
Opacity is how transparent the crosshair respective crosshair will be. An opacity of 1 will have the crosshair completely solid with no transparency.
Line Length
The line length controls how long the line will be. You can now unlink the line length to control the vertical and horizontal lines individually.
Line Thickness
Thickness controls how wide the line will be. If the thickness is set to 0 then the crosshair won’t be visible.
Line Offset
The line offset controls how far the crosshair points are from each other. The higher the offset the wider the bigger the gap will be.
Movement Error & Firing Error
In Valorant, movement and spraying will negatively impact your shooting accuracy. With either error option enabled your crosshair will expand to inform you when your accuracy is being affected. Once you have stopped moving or firing the crosshair will retract back into its original position.
Most top Valorant players don’t use either the movement or firing error options. However, new players may find them useful. The error options will help you become a better Valorant player by learning timings
How to Import & Export Valorant Crosshairs
Valorant crosshairs can be imported & exported quickly using profile codes. This feature allows players to share and save crosshairs with others.
Export & Share Valorant Crosshairs
- Select the crosshair you want to share.
- Click the upwards arrow to copy the crosshair code to your clipboard.
- Paste the code to share it.
Import & Save Valorant Crosshairs
- Copy the crosshair code that you want to import to Valorant.
- Click the downwards arrow button.
- Select the text box and paste the crosshair code.
Advanced Crosshair Settings
You can also enable advanced crosshair settings in Valorant. With the advanced settings turned on you can customize your crosshair when aiming down sights (ADS) or using a scope. The ADS crosshair settings can copy your primary crosshair, or be customized. With the ADS crosshair you get all of the same crosshair options as your primary. However, you are limited when it comes to scope crosshair. For a scope crosshair you can only use a dot crosshair with color, opacity, and thickness settings.
Final Thoughts
While there are many different options it can be hard to find the best Valorant crosshair for you. Fortunately, there are several options to test out. With so many different styles you shouldn’t have any issues finding a crosshair you like.
With crosshair profiles, you can quickly save multiple crosshairs and switch between them quickly. Allowing you to test which crosshairs and colors you like the most.