Category: How To
You can create a read-only Discord channel by turning off the send message permission for all roles. Additionally, you will also need to turn on the view channel and …
The RTC voice connecting error on Discord prevents you from being able to join voice channels and calls. There are several reasons why the RTC connecting error may occur, …
You can make roles appear on the side of your Discord server by turning on the option to display role members separately from online members. This will need to …
To stream with sound on Discord you will need to stream an application. Unfortunately, this limits your ability to stream freely to friends using Discord. However, you can still …
The black screen display capture error is a common issue you may run into when using OBS Studio. This error usually occurs on lower-end PC’s and laptops. However, there …
There are several solutions if you can’t find a match on Call of Duty Warzone. The cause of the issue varies, however, typically it can be fixed by making …
Valorant is a game that is highly dependent on teamwork and communication. If your voice chat isn’t working then this can make it difficult to play to your potential. …
A supported game is required to use this feature error occurs when using the Nvidia GeForce Experience features. The error is common when trying to record, use instant replay, …
Discord has two primary types of permissions; role and channel. Role permissions control what a member can do across the entire server. Channel permissions control what a member can …
You can timeout someone on Discord by right-clicking on their name and choosing timeout. Only members with the server permission to “Timeout Members” can timeout someone on Discord. We …