You can create a custom match in Fortnite using the custom key option in the Fortnite lobby. However, the custom key button will only appear when you scroll down to the game modes. Additionally, you will need to be apart of the Support-a-Creator program to make a custom match. Alternatively, you can just join a custom match that someone else is hosting using the custom key option.
1. Scroll down to the Fortnite game modes, then select Custom Key from the bottom.

2. Enter a custom key, then select Accept.

3. Select a game mode, you may need to click Select to confirm.

4. Adjust the team size to you liking, then select Play.

5. Wait for players to queue, then select Start Match.

Can’t Make a Private Match in Fortnite
If you’re unable to make a private match then it’s most likely because you aren’t apart of the support-a-creator program. Unfortunately, only players that are in the support-a-creator program are able to create private matches in Fortnite. Another reason is that someone else may already be using the custom key that you have entered. This means you will need to cancel the matchmaking and set a new custom key.
Another possible reason why you can’t make a custom match is because you don’t have 2FA enabled on your account. Fortunately, you can setup 2FA through the Epic Games website fairly quickly. You can check out our guide here.
What is a Custom Key in Fortnite?
A custom key is a code that can be set to make or join a custom match in Fortnite. If you are making a private match then you can enter anything as the custom key. However, you don’t want to use something that another person may be using. To avoid this you may want to use your Fortnite name or something related to it.
How to Join a Custom Match in Fortnite
You can join a custom match in Fortnite by entering the custom key the host has set and choosing the same game mode that is being used. Additionally, you will need to have your matchmaking set to the same region as the person hosting the custom match.
Can’t Join a Custom Match in Fortnite
If you’re unable to join a custom match then you will want to check that you are entering the same key and have the correct game mode select. To join the game you will need to have the exact same game mode selected as the host, otherwise you won’t be able to join. Additionally, you will need to have your server region set to the same as the host. Fortunately, you can change server regions quickly through the Fortnite settings.
How to Change Server Region in Fortnite
To change your server region in Fortnite by going to the game settings and changing the matchmaking region. The setting is found at the top of the game settings page, making it easy to access. Although changing your server region may be needed to join a custom match, it’s important to know that your ping may be higher. This can result in a delay or lag when playing.

Can You Start a Private Match with 1 Player?
Yes, you can start a private match with just 1 player. This is typically used to try out jump spots, get screenshots for thumbnails, and record cinematics. However, you can also use 1 player private matches to practice or just explore the map.
How Do I Get a Custom Matchmaking Code for Fortnite?
You can either set your own custom matchmaking code or use someone else’s if their currently hosting a match. However, you need to be in the support-a-creator program to make your own custom matchmaking codes. Additionally, the code or “key” isn’t something that is given to you which allows you to create a custom match. Instead, it is something you can set and change. If the code you entered is unique then you will create a custom game, and if it isn’t then you will join the queue for someone else’s game.
Do You Need a Creator Code for Custom Matchmaking?
If you are trying to join a custom match then you don’t need a creator code. However, if you want to make your own custom match then you will need to be in the support-a-creator program.