You can join the Blox Fruits Discord server using the invite link, Discover page, or by clicking the Add Server button on the side. All options work, however, you may have issues with the Blox Fruits Discord server being full. Once you do get into the server you will need to verify your Discord and Roblox account with Bloxlink to get access. This process is used to prevent bots from joining the server.
1. Sign in to the Roblox website and Discord website with your default browser.

2. Click the Add Server button on Discord.

3. Click Join a Server.

4. Type “BloxFruits” into the invite link box, then click Join Server.

5. Go to the Verification channel.

6. Type “/verify” then send the message.

7. Select the Verify with Bloxlink option.

8. Click the Visit Site button.

9. Click the Sign In button for Discord.

10. Check the permissions, then click the Authorize button.

11. Click the Verify Now button.

12. Click Next.

12. Select Continue.

13. Check the permissions, then click the Confirm and Give Access button.

14. Select Blox Fruits then click Confirm.

How to Join the Blox Fruits Discord Server When it’s Full
If you’ve ever tried to join the Blox Fruits Discord server then you’ve probably seen the dreaded “This server is currently full. Please try again later.” message. This occurs because the Blox Fruits Discord server currently has a 2000000 member limit. While this may be increased in the future, it has remained the maximum capacity for some time. Fortunately, there are a few things that can help you join the Blox Fruits Discord server when it’s full.
Keep Trying
One of the best ways to join the Blox Fruits server when it’s full is to say persistent. Many people will attempt to spam click the join button which will cause errors and stop you from being able to join the server. Instead, you’ll have better luck keeping the join option open and clicking the join server button every few minutes. I’ve typically had the best luck attempting 2 or 3 times every few minutes, rather than spam clicking.
Use the Discover Page
Another option is to use the Discover page to join. Although this technically requires there to be enough room in the server twice, I’ve had a much better time joining full Discord servers this way. Clicking on the Blox Fruits server will attempt to load the preview, where you can then select to Join Blox Fruits from the top. However. you will need there to be room for you to load the preview, and to get into the Blox Fruits server.
Join When Less People Are Online
Additionally, you can try joining when less people are online. This works because with less people online there’s also less people trying to join the server. While the best time to join the Blox Fruits server does vary, you will typically want to try when it’s late at night or early morning in America. In my experience 4 PM to 7 PM AEST, or 11 PM to 2 AM Central time are good options.
What is the Blox Fruits Discord Server Link?
The Blox Fruits Discord server link can be found at the bottom of the game’s information page. Alternatively, you can use the link here to join. Due to Blox Fruits having a vanity URL you can also just type “BloxFruits” into the invite box to join. This means the link also reads like a typical invite link, just with “bloxfruits” at the end, rather than randomly generated characters.