You can link text on Discord by typing an open and closed square bracket, followed by an open and closed round bracket. Put the text you want to be linked between the square brackets, and the link between the round brackets.
Example: [SlurpTech](
Remove Discord Link Preview Embeds
When linking to a website you can place an open and close angle bracket on either side of the link to prevent a preview embed from showing. This can be paired with linked text to seamlessly link out without an ugly embed showing up. To do this you will need to place the angle brackets on either side of the link, but within the round brackets.
Example: [SlurpTech](<>)

Can’t Link Discord Text
If you’re having issues linking text in Discord then it’s most likely because you’re not using a complete URL. For text to link correctly, you will need to include the https:// or http:// at the start of the URL. An easy way to see if the link will work is if the message text shows as a link before sending the message. If the web address isn’t blue then the link text won’t work.
How Can I Use This Feature?
Being able to link text on Discord makes sharing information seamless. Whilst average users might not ever need to link text, it does have its place amongst Discord servers. One great use for linked text is information channels. The link text feature allows Discord servers to provide useful information to members while keeping the messages looking professional. Additionally, linking text rather than having the entire link can make it easier to consume information as it’s more presentable and less overwhelming to look at. Linking the related text can also make it easier for members to quickly find the information they’re looking for.
Can You Link Text in a Discord Embed?
Yes, the same method can be used for Discord embeds, allowing you to create embedded messages with linked text. This allows you to set up info channels in your Discord server using links and other text tricks to enhance the message.
Why Would I Hide a Link?
Hiding a Discord link allows you to clean up a message and make it look more professional. If you’re just sending a link to a friend then you wouldn’t typically want to hide the link in text. However, if you’re sending instructions to someone or explaining an issue then linking text can make a long message look well put together and easy to consume.
Are There Risks with Hiding a Link?
One risk of hiding a link in Discord is that someone may use it maliciously. The text can be set to look as if it directs you to one site, while the hidden URL will send you to a different website. Because of this Discord has included a warning message which shows the website that a clicked link is taking you to. This aids in identifying fake links and should always be checked before visiting the site.