You can make roles appear on the side of your Discord server by turning on the option to display role members separately from online members. This will need to be enabled for each role that you want to show on the side.
- Click on the server title and open the server settings.
- Select roles from the side.
- Select a role.
- Turn on the option to Display role members separately from online members.
- Close.

For the role category to appear on the side someone with that role will need to be online. Members will only ever appear under one role, that being the highest role they have which is set to be displayed.
How to Show Member List on Discord
If your member list isn’t showing then click the “Show Member List” button at the top of Discord. This will allow you to see all of the members in the server, and all of the role categories that are set to be displayed. When members are offline they will be shown at the bottom in the offline section.