How to Delete All Messages on Discord Fast – Clear Chat

The fastest way to manually delete messages on Discord is to hold Shift and click on the trash can icon. By holding Shift, you bypass the need to select the message, allowing you to delete messages fast on Discord. You can use this method in a direct message, or a Discord channel. To delete messages in a Discord server you will need to have the manage messages permission and be in a higher ranking role than the person whose messages you are deleting. Having the Administrator permission or being the owner of the server will also allow you to delete messages.

Delete All Messages in a Text Channel

If your server has been raided, or an argument has taken place then you may want to delete all messages in a text channel. One of the best ways to delete messages is to use a bot. However, you can also duplicate a channel and delete the old one. The duplicated text channel will have the same name and permissions as the original, completely clearing the Discord chat in no time.

  1. Right-click on the text channel.
  2. Select Duplicate Channel.
  3. Give the channel the same name.
  4. Click Create Channel.
  5. Right-click the original channel and select Delete Channel.
  6. Move the new channel to the position of the old channel.

Delete All Messages with a Bot

Another fast way to delete messages in a Discord server is to use a bot. Many moderation bots, such as Wick, have a delete message command that you can use to bulk delete messages. This command is often called purge and can be activated using the /purge command in your server. Additionally, you will need to specify the number of messages you want to remove.


Although the task of deleting messages can be tedious, there are a few ways to speed up the process. Unfortunately, deleting all Discord messages in a DM is still difficult at this time, requiring you to delete each message one at a time. However, the ability to hold Shift to speed up the delete message process is a real time saver when bulk deleting direct messages.