How to Change Enemy Highlight Color in Valorant

As a frequent Valorant viewer you may notice pro players see enemies with a yellow highlight. This is because of the enemy highlight color setting. By changing the enemy highlight color you may find it easier to notice enemy players.

  1. Open the Valorant settings.
  2. Go to the general options.
  3. Find the enemy highlight color option.
  4. Choose your preferred color.

Best Enemy Highlight Color

Although there isn’t a “best” highlight color, most pros tend to use either deuteranopia or protanopia. Both of these options make the enemy highlight color yellow. The yellow highlight options are preferred as they are brighter. As a result, they are more noticeable, especially at a distance. However, you will want to use the option that is best for you.

Final Thoughts

Changing the enemy highlight color is a subtle visibility improvement. Although it won’t make a huge difference, visibility is such an important factor in Valorant. This is why players often use small crosshairs and boost vibrance.