Roles are an essential piece of every Discord server. Regardless of if your server is for friends or a community, knowing how to make roles is important. You will need to equip your server with all of the necessary roles to have it operate as desired. With the correct permissions set to ensure there are no issues.
1. Click the server title and select Server Settings.

2. Select Roles from the side.

3. Click Create Role.

4. Name the role and select a color.

5. Switch to the Permissions tab.

6. Adjust permissions to your liking.

7. Move the role to position on the role list.

8. Save Changes.

What Do Discord Role Colors Do?
Members’ names will be displayed using the color of their highest role. If their highest role doesn’t have an assigned color then their username will be that of their next highest role with a color. Typically, role colors are used to show authority in a server. With the vibrant more noticeable colors being that of staff or moderators. However, role colors can be purely cosmetic or random.
Why Does Discord Role Order Matter?
Discord roles work in a hierarchy. A member with a lower role can’t use their permissions to affect someone of a higher role. Essentially, the higher up the role the more powerful they are. Because of this, you will want to limit the permissions of roles lower on the list and place staff or moderator roles at the top.
What is the Administrator Permission?
Discord roles can be given administrator permission, which gives full administrative power to anyone with that role. These members can kick and ban other members, while also having the ability to add bots to the server. Because of how much power the administrator permission gives it’s best not to add the permission to any role in your server. This can help keep your Discord server safe if a moderator was to be compromised or go rogue.
How to Delete a Role on Discord
Click the three dots icon next to the role on the roles settings page. You will be asked to confirm that you want to delete the role. After clicking “Okay” the role will be deleted forever. If you want to restore the role you will need to add it back manually.