Valorant has a fairly simplistic art style that can be enhanced to make it more vibrant and colorful. There are several options that will make Valorant more vibrant, and …
A supported game is required to use this feature error occurs when using the Nvidia GeForce Experience features. The error is common when trying to record, use instant replay, …
Discord has two primary types of permissions; role and channel. Role permissions control what a member can do across the entire server. Channel permissions control what a member can …
You can timeout someone on Discord by right-clicking on their name and choosing timeout. Only members with the server permission to “Timeout Members” can timeout someone on Discord. We …
A Twitch poll can be made by using the chat command “/poll”. Polls can only be started by the broadcaster or stream moderators. The streamer will need to be …
OBS Studio allows you to open and play videos from your computer. The video will automatically begin playing once opened. OBS is compatible with most file formats and can …
The color scheme of Call of Duty Warzone makes it rather hard to see enemies. This is particularly difficult in dark locations, or at a distance. Unlike other Call …
Double clicking involves lightly tapping on the primary mouse button in such a way to register multiple clicks at once. This method is used to increase the CPS or …
A Twitch Prediction can be started using the chat command “/prediction”. When the message has been sent the prediction menu will open. The menu allows you to write a …
OBS is one of the best options for recording your screen or gameplay. The settings allow you to completely customize how your video is recorded and make adjustments to …