Streamlabs Chatbot Commands Every Stream Needs

Streamlabs chatbot allows you to create custom commands to help improve chat engagement and provide information to viewers. Commands have become a staple in the streaming community and are expected in streams.

Hug Command

A hug command will allow a viewer to give a virtual hug to either a random viewer or a user of their choice. Streamlabs chatbot will tag both users in the response.

  • Command: !hug
  • Targeted Response: $username gave $targetname a big hug!
  • Random Reponse: $username gave $randusername a big hug!

Slap Command

Similar to a hug command, the slap command one viewer to slap another. The slap command can be set up with a random variable that will input an item to be used for the slapping.

Variables are sourced from a text document stored on your PC and can be edited at any time. Each variable will need to be listed on a separate line. Feel free to use our list as a starting point for your own.

Note: The italic text enclosed in the brackets will need to be replaced with the file location of your text document.

  • Command: !slap
  • Targeted Response: $username slapped $targetname with $readrandline(D:\Chatbot\slap.txt)
  • Random Response: $username slapped $randusername with $readrandline(D:\Chatbot\slap.txt)
a milkshake
a stinky fish
an octopus
a slipper
a chair
a bag of chips
a slice of bread
an eggplant

Lurk Command

Having a lurk command is a great way to thank viewers who open the stream even if they aren’t chatting. A lurk command can also let people know that they will be unresponsive in the chat for the time being. The added viewer is particularly important for smaller streamers and sharing your appreciation is always recommended. If you are a larger streamer you may want to skip the lurk command to prevent spam in your chat.

  • Command: !lurk
  • Reponse: Thanks $username from continueing to support the stream! We look forward to seeing you chatting again shortly

Shoutout Command

Shoutout commands allow moderators to link another streamer’s channel in the chat. Typically shoutout commands are used as a way to thank somebody for raiding the stream. We have included an optional line at the end to let viewers know what game the streamer was playing last.

  • Command: !shoutout / !so
  • Response: Go check out $targetname and show them some love at $url – They were last streaming $game

Uptime Command

Uptime commands are common as a way to show how long the stream has been live. It is useful for viewers that come into a stream mid-way. Uptime commands are also recommended for 24-hour streams and subathons to show the progress.

  • Command: !uptime
  • Response: $mychannel has been streaming for $uptime

8Ball Command

An 8Ball command adds some fun and interaction to the stream. With the command enabled viewers can ask a question and receive a response from the 8Ball. You will need to have Streamlabs read a text file with the command. The text file location will be different for you, however, we have provided an example. Each 8ball response will need to be on a new line in the text file.

  • Command: !8Ball
  • Response: $readrandline(D:\Chatbot\8ball.txt) $username

Watch Time Command

Watch time commands allow your viewers to see how long they have been watching the stream. It is a fun way for viewers to interact with the stream and show their support, even if they’re lurking.

  • Command: !watchtime
  • Response: $username has been watching the stream for $hours

Discord Command

As a streamer, you always want to be building a community. Having a public Discord server for your brand is recommended as a meeting place for all your viewers. Having a Discord command will allow viewers to receive an invite link sent to them in chat.

  • Command: !Discord
  • Response: Hey $username you can join our Discord here: [DISCORDINVITELINKHERE]

Social Commands (YouTube, Twitter, Instagram etc)

Promoting your other social media accounts is a great way to build your streaming community. Your stream viewers are likely to also be interested in the content that you post on other sites. You can have the response either show just the username of that social or contain a direct link to your profile.

  • Command: !youtube / !twitter / !instagram
  • Response: Be sure to follow me on [SOCIALNAME] here [SOCIALLINK]

Time Command

When streaming it is likely that you get viewers from all around the world. A time command can be helpful to let your viewers know what your local time is.

Command: !time
Response: The current time for $mychannel is $time

Date Command

As a streamer you tend to talk in your local time and date, however, your viewers can be from all around the world. When talking about an upcoming event it is useful to have a date command so users can see your local date.

  • Command: !date
  • Response: The current date for $mychannel is $date

Stats Command

Promoting your other social media accounts is a great way to build your streaming community. Your stream viewers are likely to also be interested in the content that you post on other sites. You can have the response either show just the username of that social or contain a direct link to your profile.

  • Command: !stats
  • Response: Playing: $mygame | Title: $mystatus | Time: $uptime

Current Song

A current song command allows viewers to know what song is playing. This command only works when using the Streamlabs Chatbot song requests feature. If you are allowing stream viewers to make song suggestions then you can also add the username of the requester to the response.

  • Command: !currentsong
  • Response: Currently playing $currentsong as requested by $requestedby

Next Song

Viewers can use the next song command to find out what requested song will play next. Like the current song command, you can also include who the song was requested by in the response.

  • Command: !nextsong / !next
  • Response: Next up is $nextsong as requested by $nextrequestedby

Streamlabs Chatbot Timers

Timers are commands that are periodically set off without being activated. You can use timers to promote the most useful commands. Typically social accounts, Discord links, and new videos are promoted using the timer feature. Before creating timers you can link timers to commands via the settings. This means that whenever you create a new timer, a command will also be made for it.

Timers have two variables, interval, and minimum chat lines. The “interval” is how many minutes must pass before the next timer command is sent. The “chat lines” is the number of chat lines that must pass before the command can be sent. Both variables will need to be met in order for Streamlabs Chatbot to send the command,

Tag a Random User in Streamlabs Chatbot Response

You can tag a random user with Streamlabs Chatbot by including $randusername in the response. Streamlabs will source the random user out of your viewer list.

Tag a User in Streamlabs Chatbot Response

A user can be tagged in a command response by including $username or $targetname. The $username option will tag the user that activated the command, whereas $targetname will tag a user that was mentioned when activating the command.

Final Thoughts

Feature commands can add functionality to the chat to help encourage engagement. Other commands provide useful information to the viewers and help promote the streamer’s content without manual effort. Both types of commands are useful for any growing streamer. It is best to create Streamlabs chatbot commands that suit the streamer, customizing them to match the brand and style of the stream.