How to Change Your Name in Valorant

You can change your name in Valorant through the Riot Games website. This will require you to sign in to your Riot Games account, which is your Valorant account, and access the settings. Once in your account settings you will see your Riot ID, which is your username in Valorant. You can change your Riot ID to change your name in game. However, it is important to know that this will also change your name in all games made by Riot Games.

1. Head to the Riot Games website and click the Sign In button.

2. Sign in to your Valorant account.

3. Select your username from the top right, then open the Settings.

4. Select the Game Name box and enter in your new name for Valorant.

5. Change your Tagline, your tagline must be between 3 and 5 characters long.

6. Click the Save Changes button to change your name.

What is a Tagline in Valorant?

A tagline is a unique identifier which separates you from other users with the same name. Your tagline can be 3, 4, or 5 characters long. While your tagline helps Riot Games differentiate between players when reviewing reports, it’s also needed by players when trying to add friends in Valorant.

What Should I Make My Tagline?

When choosing a tagline for you will want to select something that is easy to remember. This can make it a lot easier when you’re trying to add friends on Valorant. Typically, you will want to use repeating numbers or a short word. Alternatively, you can use a tagline that goes with your name. For example, if your Riot ID is Flame, then you could make your tagline FIRE, EMBER, or something else flame related.

Best Taglines for Valorant

Although there is no “best” tagline for Valorant, we have put together a list of commonly used taglines which are simple and easy to relay.

  • 000
  • WIN
  • STAR
  • 999
  • AIM
  • LOL
  • KING
  • LOVE

What is Riot ID?

Your Riot ID is your in-game name for all games made by Riot Games. However, if you only play Valorant then your Riot ID is essentially your Valorant name. Fortunately, you have a lot of freedom when it comes to choosing a game name as you will also need to select a tagline as part of the Riot ID. This allows you to have the same name as someone else, except with a unique tagline.

My Valorant Name Hasn’t Changed

If your Valorant name hasn’t changed then you will need to close the game and restart it. In some cases you may even need to close the Riot Client and reopen it to update your username.

How Often Can I Change My Valorant Name?

You can change your Riot ID every 90 days, this includes changing your tagline. If you change your tagline then it will count as changing your tagline. Meaning you will need to wait another 90 days if you want to change your name again.

How to Change Your Valorant Name to Your Agent

1. Open the Settings and go to General.

2. Scroll down to the Privacy heading.

3. Turn on the Hide My Riot ID from Players Outside My Party option.

How to Change Your Valorant Name on Console

If you play Valorant on console then you can also change your name using the Riot Games website. This is due to your in-game name still being your Riot ID as with the PC version of Valorant. This means you will need to access a web browser, either using your console, a mobile device, or computer.