How to Make a Nether Portal in Minecraft

To make a Nether Portal in Minecraft you will need 10 obsidian blocks, 3 temporary blocks, and a flint and steel. The obsidian blocks will make up the nether portal frame, while the temporary blocks are only use to allow you to place the obsidian blocks in the correct positions. Whereas the flint and steel is used to light the nether portal.

1. Place 2 obsidian blocks next to each other.

2. Put a temporary block on either side of the obsidian blocks.

3. Place 3 obsidian blocks on top of the 2 temporary blocks on either side.

4. Place a temporary block on one of the sides.

5. Put the last 2 obsidian blocks on next to the temporary block to close the frame.

6. Use a flint and steel on the bottom of the portal frame.

What Are Temporary Blocks in Minecraft?

Whenever someone refers to temporary blocks they are referring to any blocks that can be broken after their intended use is finished. Often, a temporary block is placed to allow you to build where you need to. For example, when making a nether portal you will place down temporary blocks to allow you to place the obsidian blocks where you need them. Once the nether portal frame has been made you can then brake the temporary blocks as they’re no longer needed.

How to Activate a Nether Portal?

To activate a nether portal you will need to light it. This can be done using a flint and steel, which can be made using the crafting table with 1 flint and 1 iron ingot.

What is the Minimum Size for a Nether Portal?

At the moment the smallest nether portal requires a 4 block wide and 5 block high area. However, only the blocks connected to the inside of the portal will need to be obsidian. Meaning, you can make a nether portal only using 10 obsidian blocks. However, this will require no obsidian blocks to be placed in the corners.

Can You Build an End Portal in the Nether?

You can build an end portal in the Nether in the same way you would otherwise. Allowing you to create a hidden end portal in the nether if you wish, or add an end portal to your base in the nether. However, you can’t build a nether portal in the End.