Fix OBS Black Screen Display Capture Error

The black screen display capture error is a common issue you may run into when using OBS Studio. This error usually occurs on lower-end PC’s and laptops. However, there are multiple causes for the black screen error. Resulting in multiple methods to fix the display capture issue.

Use Power Saving Mode for OBS

One of the solutions is to set OBS to use power saving as the graphics preference. This method will only work if you have two different GPU options.

  1. Close OBS.
  2. Open the graphics settings.
  3. Set the drop menu to desktop app or classic app.
  4. Click browse.
  5. Find and add the OBS application file.
  6. Click options.
  7. Set OBS to use the power-saving mode option.
  8. Save changes.

Default OBS application folder: C:\Program Files\obs-studio\bin\64bit

Turn Off HDR

Another common cause of the OBS black display capture error is having HDR enabled in your display settings.

  1. Right-click on the desktop and open the display settings.
  2. Select the monitor you’re having issues with.
  3. Turn off the “Use HDR” option.
  4. Restart OBS.


Although the error is inconvenient, the solution is often a quick fix. This makes it easy to fix the display capture error. Additionally, if the issue you’re having is having HDR enabled, you can still use HDR when not capturing your display. This allows you to get the most out of your screen.